The Waikato Branch has six principal events annually on the National Calendar:

*  January sees the mopeds and scooters out on Blue Smoke & Pedals.

*   April we hold the Mooloo Meander, exclusively for motorcycles of 2 or 3 wheels manufactured  30 years or more ago.

*   June we hold our major event for the year, the Double Fifty Rally (so named because it traditionally runs 50 miles before lunch and 50 miles after). This generally attracts up to 120 vehicles from all classes, local members, and visitors from all over the North Island.

*   In August, we run with in conjunction with the Cancer Society a National Daffodil Run where we invite all car clubs around the Waikato region to join in runs leaving from 5 different Waikato towns ending up at the Waikato Vintage Car Club.

*   November we have our combined Veteran, Vintage and Post Vintage Rally which caters for vehicles from 1900 - 1945. Held early in the month. 

*   November the third Sunday is our annual swap meet held at the Karapiro Domain. This attracts buyers and sellers from around the North Island and has a great range of vehicles and parts for sale.